Wednesday, October 23, 2019

How to Clear Your Foggy Mind

I think I need to create a new blog because the title for this one sounds weird.

It is supposed to be about how it is like to live in Metro Manila. I think "LivingInTheMetro" would be a better name.

What do you think? 

Right now I'm just using this one as a journal to write my random thoughts.

Hopefully by just rambling on paper, or in this case digital paper, it will help me stumble upon something worthwhile.

Do I sound weird?

Sorry to those who might stumble  upon this post. This is actually one of the necessary exercises to clear one's thought and to overcome a writer's block.

I actually feel like I am getting some progress. Right now I'm starting to think about Halloweens and Christmas. I think I will write about them.

Halloween is only a few days away. And we only think about Christmas after that.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Like Visiting an Old Friend

I just read all the posts I created in this blog. I felt like I was visiting an old friend. Am I the same person who wrote in this blog? It felt like it was someone else.

The last time I wrote was four years ago. And a lot of things have happened since then. I lost a few aunts, a few uncles, a few cousins, and a best friend. It's been a long time.

 Maybe that is the reason why it feels a little strange.

 How much did I change in those four years?